OMA Neuromuscular Integration is deep tissue bodywork that re-educates your body and expands awareness, opening you up to greater possibilities in your life.
Do you feel alive and vibrant?
Are you listening to your heart's deep desire?
Do you move with ease and freedom?
What sustains you from the inside, when all else falls away?
The demands of everyday life can add up. Through the cumulative effects of stress, gravity, inactivity, overuse, injury, or emotional trauma, the soft tissues of the body, the fascia, can become hardened or stuck together, creating constriction, using up energy, and interfering with the optimal functioning of your body-mind.
The deep and gentle tissue manipulation of SOMA Bodywork acts as an internal "housecleaning," assisting in the release of these constricted areas. Letting go of the "clutter" improves your physical functioning and opens the space for the body-mind to welcome new experiences. Break free of your old patterns and discover more satisfying options for living!
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 What are the benefits?
Increased energy and enthusiasm
Less tension
Fewer aches and pains
Better balance
Expanded physical and emotional awareness
More self-reliance
Greater creativity and spontaneity
Refreshed, youthful appearance
Improved athletic performance