Ida Rolf's Legacy to a New Paradigm for Structural
By Karrie Osborn
When Bill Williams was working on a 10-session bodywork protocol
with his mentor Ida Rolf in the 1970s, he knew he wanted to
take it further than the physiology that was being explored.
His training in psychology and his interest in energy afforded
him insight into the integration that could happen when body,
mind, and spirit met. While Rolf, with whom he was teaching
and researching at the time, didn't want to take the work
in that direction, she gave Williams her blessing to seek
out his own truths. And so was born Soma Neuromuscular Integration.
full article.
in balance
- Soma and running.
By Erika Dillman*
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 “What we call mind and body are not two entities related to each other, but a single unity. Let us use the word, soma, to refer to this unity.”
– Carl Ginsburg, Ph.D. International Feldenkrais Trainer